Frank tried all his strength to isolate the President and it worked. It was not only resulted from Frank's hypocrisy and trickery, but also the President's weakness - his credulity, his pride, his vanity, or even his integrity.
希腊神话荷马史诗记载着流传千古的人伦悲剧克吕泰的歇斯底里、绝望和深深的复仇渴望阿伽门农的自我拉扯和直接从雕塑上拓下来的脸在高潮之前承包了绝大部分的戏码终究没有敌过我们真正的主角轻盈但有分量的演绎即使只是一些话语:Today I must die. I have no other choice. But how i die, only I can choose, and I have chosen. Death will be my marriage, my children and my fame. 她的少年气的小鹿眼她的浓密蜷曲的短发13岁的女孩自愿献祭生命拨动滔天的战帆镜头外的我们没有看见阿伽门农看到的她的结局发音器只能期冀着她的生命延续成了女神的座下童子